The Dental Implant Procedure

a woman smiling beautifully

Dental Implants have emerged as a new phenomenon to replace missing teeth with a natural replacement. Whether you’re missing single or multiple teeth, dental implants are an ideal solution to deliver that missing natural smile ever since you’ve had a tooth removed or is severely decayed. Implants can also be an anchor as a bridge […]

Can Invisalign Work With Fitted Implants?

Invisalign Braces

A question that continues to be unanswered is whether a fitted implant patient can use Invisalign clear aligners to straighten natural teeth. Natural teeth can move and adjust itself at any time and fitted implants are natural replacements fixed and infused into the jawbone. This is exactly where your natural teeth grow and position itself. […]

Facts About Teeth Whitening


Teeth Whitening treatment has never been popular like it is today. It is now a very popular cosmetic treatment choice to deliver the missing shine in those pearly whites. Also, it keeps oral health and overall well-being intact. Teeth Whitening consists of removing stubborn stains formed through plaque, tartar and discoloration on the surface of […]

Myths About Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign Braces

Does Invisalign actually straighten teeth? There are many myths that are still circulating that questions the effectiveness of Invisalign treatment. Advanced dental technology has meant that orthodontists are able to produce better treatments catered to create attractive and aesthetic smiles. Invisalign treatment has broken through to not only keep teeth straight but to keep them […]

How Long Do Root Canal’s Last?

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a form of endodontic treatment that is necessary to save a tooth when the pulp becomes inflamed. When the pulp tissue becomes infected, the bone de-stimulates and weakens. Bone density and strength is vital to keep teeth strong. One of the key questions that patients continue to ask today is, is […]

Do You Qualify For Invisalign?

Mouth Gaurd

Invisalign is one of the newer forms of treatment but is also becoming one of the most popular for straightening teeth. Invisalign is considered the fastest and most efficient way to straighten teeth compared to traditional braces. They’re a transparent retainer-like clear aligner that can be worn even when out in public because they’re virtually […]

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign Braces

Traditional braces are commonly used for those who are looking to get their teeth straightened. However, many patients are now considering the use of Invisalign. Invisalign is relatively new compared to other orthodontic options, but is it the most effective? There are many myths circulating online regarding whether Invisalign is effective and worth it. Invisalign […]

Restorative Dentistry vs Preventative Dentistry – Understand The Difference Here


Due to advanced dental technology, general and cosmetic dentistry has evolved at a rapid rate. It can be difficult to keep up with the different types of dentistry treatments. Dentistry consists of two kinds; Restorative and Preventative. Both comprise a variety of dentistry procedures that are catered to deliver excellent oral health. Let’s look at […]

Read How To Ease Kids Anxiety Before Their Dental Appointment

General Dentistry Parkdale

Anxiety amongst kids before they visit the dentist is a natural feeling to experience. Kids’ dentistry can be frightening for kids. This is especially if they don’t know what to expect because kids need continuity and routine to feel relaxed. When something new occurs in their life, they need support to get through it. The […]

Your Guide To Beautiful Beaming Smiles With Cosmetic Dentistry


Beautiful beaming smiles go some way in transforming the way you look and feel aesthetically. Smiling has a direct positive impact on mood and confidence. It’s proven to make people feel happier. Luckily, for those who are struggling to smile due to niggling wear-and-tear issues, discoloration or simply through low self-esteem, cosmetic dentistry is at […]