Things To Remember Before Choosing The Best Toothpaste For Porcelain Veneers

best toothpaste to choose

Porcelain veneers are designed to restore confidence in your smile by delivering an aesthetic transformation. Typically, porcelain veneers are chosen to hide niggling imperfections such as chips and cracks in your teeth.  If you’ve porcelain veneers fitted, or you’re seeking a smile transformation with porcelain veneers, getting the best results out of your veneers requires […]

Why Does My Tooth Hurt When I Touch It?

why does tooth hurt after touching?

If your teeth struggle to handle hot and cold foods, it is an indication that there is an underlying issue with your teeth, which means your tooth hurts when putting pressure on it.  But why is this? There are many reasons for this, and it shouldn’t be left to chance. Whilst there are ways to […]

Molar Pain: Causes and Treatment

Are your molar teeth causing you significant sensitivity? Many symptoms can cause this, and it is important to know what they are. The pain may radiate to your entire mouth and not just to the affected molar.  Out of 32 permanent teeth, 12 of them are molars situated at the back of the mouth. This […]

Why Do My Teeth Hurt?

Why do my teeth hurt

Are you suddenly experiencing radiating pain inside your mouth? Is the pain throbbing and severe? You could be experiencing tooth sensitivity or your teeth are infected.  If you’re concerned about what to do next, the first thing to do isn’t to panic. Tooth sensitivity and infected teeth can be treated by the dentist. However, it […]

Why Are My Teeth Falling Out?

Why are my teeth falling out

No adult likes to lose a permanent tooth and sometimes it can happen unexpectedly. When it does happen, it’s a red flag when it comes to your oral health. Teeth naturally fall out when we’re children as part of growth and development, but we always hope that as an adult, teeth stay strong and durable […]

Is Invisalign Worth Getting?

invisalign dental solution

Naturally, when a new form of treatment comes out, questions will be asked to understand everything about it. Invisalign also falls into that category. Orthodontic treatment has progressed significantly recently, and there’s no longer a single form of treatment to straighten your smile. Invisalign are clear and transparent aligners made of BPA thermoplastic material that […]

How Long Do Composite Fillings Last?

Smiling young woman with braces.

Dental restorations offer long-lasting solutions to various problems, but they are not always guaranteed to last a lifetime. In the case of composite fillings, some patients may wonder how long the fillings can last before they need to replace them. Here is a closer look at composite fillings and their longevity. What are Composite Fillings? […]

Tooth Extraction Cost: How Much Should You Pay?

Tooth Extraction

Health insurance policies cover specific dental procedures. However, some patients are hesitant to get procedures that are not covered because of the associated costs. What should you know about the cost of tooth extractions? When Do You Need Tooth Extraction? Tooth extraction may be suggested by your dentist if: You have deep decay that can’t […]

The Most Common Oral Infections

a patient experiencing cavity

Your mouth is one of if not the most important organ in the human body. Sticking to a strong oral routine isn’t just about brushing and flossing your teeth to keep your teeth clean. It is about ensuring your mouth is safe from oral infections, including certain lifestyle and dietary choices. If you have cosmetic […]