Is Flossing Around Your Veeners Safe?

lady practising strong oral hygiene

Flossing is an essential part of a strong oral routine to protect your teeth from dental plaque build-up. Food debris can become stuck in and around the teeth and flossing, along with brushing, will protect the health of your smile. Although. what is the case for porcelain veneers? Veneers are placed on the front surface […]

What Happens To Teeth Underneath The Veneers?

dental veneer treatment

It is naive to think that if you’ve had porcelain veneers fitted that you don’t need to worry about your natural teeth underneath the veneers. Unfortunately, this isn’t true, and your natural teeth must always be looked after. Of course, your natural teeth underneath the veneers will continue to remain strong and healthy. Although, at […]

Can I Get Porcelain Veneers If I Have A Cavity?

a patient showing a cavity xray

Porcelain veneers are a great option to transform the look and feel of your smile. Porcelain veneers are designed to protect any niggling wear and tear to your natural teeth by applying a wafer-thin, custom-made shell over every tooth to help protect your natural teeth from any further damage and help maintain strong enamel. For example, […]

How Do I Maintain Strong Enamel At Home?


The enamel sits on the outer surface layer of your teeth and it is designed to protect your teeth from harmful substances or chemicals so your smile remains intact. The enamel is the hardest substance in the body but when it becomes exposed, your teeth and gums are in danger of bacterial infections that can […]

The Best Toothpaste For Porcelain Veneers

porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are designed to transform your smile. Any imperfections in your teeth such as stains, misalignment and natural wear-and-tear are hidden to make way for an attractive and durable set of teeth. For dental veneers to last for a long time, aftercare is very important. When veneers are fitted, there are certain changes you […]

How Can I Look After My Veneers?

a patient showing off a smile with veneers

If you’re looking to transform your smile, dental veneers are a great cosmetic option. Although, whilst your veneers can last for a very long time, it does depend on how well you look after your veneers.  Dental veneers require extra maintenance to keep their overall appearance. If you want your smile and confidence to stay […]

My Veneers Have Fallen Out – Why?

porcelain veneers

If you’re seeking a Hollywood transformation to your smile, dental veneers are considered to go-to treatment for it. It is one of the most popular forms of cosmetic dentistry. There are many benefits to dental veneers, but like most cosmetic dentistry treatments, issues may persist. There may be instances where the veneers become detached from […]

Are Dental Veneers Stain-Resistant?

patient having porcelain veneers fitted

Smiling confidence is naturally expected to be low if your smile isn’t up to scratch. Nowadays, patients look towards cosmetic treatments to restore the missing ingredients for a shiny smile. One of those treatments that have proven to deliver this is dental veneers. Dental veneers have proven to not only resurrect your smile, it does […]

My Bonding Has Fallen Off – What Now?

dental bonding treatment

Dental bonding is a simpler and more affordable form of cosmetic treatment. If you’ve visited the dentist for a chipped, discoloured or cracked tooth, dental bonding is a great choice of treatment to avert those niggling concerns. So, what is dental bonding? It consists of bonding a tooth-coloured composite resin against the gap or damaged […]

Tooth Bonding or Dental Veneers – A Closer Look

lady with porcelain veneers before and after

Are you considering cosmetic dentistry to fix a defect in your teeth? It could be a gap, a chip or stained teeth. There are a variety of cosmetic treatments available to fix the defect to restore your smiling confidence. There are two similar procedures that patients have enquired about; tooth bonding or dental veneers. We […]