Should I Choose Tooth Bonding For A Gap?

a smile with great gums

If you’re looking for a fast, cost-effective solution for a gap in your teeth, or even the small chip that damages your smiling confidence, have you tried tooth (dental) bonding? Understandably, not many are accustomed to tooth bonding and do not have any understanding of it. It’s a relatively new form of treatment part of […]

Understanding What’s Meant By Tooth Trauma

patient suffering with trauma pain

Dental or tooth trauma is very common, and it typically occurs when you least expect it. For example, you’ve experienced a physical accident and the impact on your teeth has been sudden and severe. The formal understanding of tooth trauma is a physical injury to your teeth, gums, alveolar bone, nerve and tissue damage within […]

Yes, Alcohol Damages Oral Health!

lady holding and drinking beer

You’ve had a hard day at the office and you want to wind down for the night with a glass of red wine or a spirit. It is a tradition for many to drink small units of alcohol at night to feel relaxed. Consuming alcohol doesn’t exactly mean it demonstrates a bad lifestyle. Ultimately, this […]

Tips To Maintain Hydration Levels

Lady eating plant based foods for better hydration

If you weren’t aware of it already, your hydration levels have a direct correlation to oral health. With our bodies being at least 60% water, maintaining the right balance of hydration levels are necessary for us as humans to function properly because our system depends on strong hydration. This is also the same for your […]

The Importance of High Saliva Flow


Saliva is an essential tool for protecting your mouth from harmful bacteria building up. After consuming a meal, food debris can remain inside the mouth and within your teeth. Your mouth eventually becomes clean when saliva inside your mouthwashes away the debris, reducing harmful bacteria levels. Saliva contains enzymes that help to breakdown food digestion. […]

Diabetes And Your Oral Health

Diet containing sugar and acid

Diabetes is a condition that can impact the functioning of your human body. You need to keep your glucose at a certain level and ensure your food intake is controlled. If you are diabetic, you will have been told by your dentist that there is a direct correlation between diabetes and your oral health.  The […]

Tips To Produce Healthy Bacteria


Bacteria penetrate inside our mouths regularly. Although, when harmful bacteria penetrate, this can introduce adverse health conditions, not just with our oral health, which may require dental emergency treatment. One thing to consider is that you can actually produce healthy bacteria. Funny enough, bacteria within us is usually healthy, however, if your oral health is […]

How Smoking Damages Your Teeth?

A person smoking a cigarette damaging teeth

Are you a regular smoker? Do you notice a change in how your teeth look? Your teeth are likely to degrade as time goes on and smoking is a major culprit of this. Furthermore, you could eventually lose your teeth. Of course, you’re probably aware of the adverse health conditions, and understandably smoking can be […]

Fluoride – What You Need To Know

man brushing his teeth with fluoride

Your mouth needs the right minerals every day in order to keep your teeth and gums strong. A healthy smile is dependent on the sources that you consume from your favourite food and drink. One of the key sources that protect your teeth and your smile is Fluoride. What Is Fluoride? Fluoride is a mineral […]

Enamel Erosion – Impact on Oral Health


The enamel is placed on the outer layer of your teeth and is considered the hardest substance in the body. It acts to protect your teeth from erosion and harmful substances. If you have ever wondered what part of the tooth acts as a protective layer to keep your smile shiny and white, it’s the […]