Overcoming Dental Anxiety

As your dentist, we strive to make you as comfortable as possible during your treatments. However, we know that for some, visiting our practice isn’t their favourite thing in the world. Don’t worry—we don’t take it personally! We understand that dental anxiety is a real thing, and we’d like to offer our anxious patients a […]
Keep Your Pearly Whites Healthy During Pregnancy

An incredible time in a woman’s life, pregnancy is a time of not only changes in the body but oral health as well. So in addition to seeing your OB-GYN for regular visits throughout pregnancy, we also encourage you to schedule an appointment to see us for a checkup. Practice Proper Oral Hygiene While pregnancy […]
Keep Your Teeth Tough As You Age

Adding years to your life doesn’t have to mean subtracting teeth from your smile. Celebrate those extra candles on your birthday cake by ensuring that your teeth stay senior strong. Here are some easy yet effective ways to keep your teeth healthy for a lifetime. Ensure you get enough calcium. Because calcium can decrease bone […]
Is Your Life Too Sweet?

It’s something most people strive for—many may see living a “sweet life” as a compliment, but not if we’re talking about your teeth! With the over-consumption of sugary beverages running high across the world, it’s possible that your life can actually be too sweet. The Problem With Sugary Drinks We all know sugar isn’t great […]
What Smoking Really Does to Your Teeth

We all have bad habits, though some do more harm for our health than others. Unfortunately, using cigarettes and tobacco is one of the most common unhealthy habits worldwide. And this fixation isn’t just bad for your lungs—it can wreak havoc on your teeth. Here’s how! The Damage Done Because smoking limits your mouth’s ability […]
5 Tips to Keep Your Pearly Whites Holiday Healthy

With holiday buffet tables brimming with pies, desserts and other decadent delectables, one’s waistline isn’t the only thing to keep in check. Your teeth can be susceptible to decay as seasonal treats can sour one’s smile. Here are five easy tips to remember to ensure your teeth are fortified against a not-so-sweet onslaught: Make H2O […]
Natural Ways to Stop Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, also known as Bruxism, happens when a person grinds or clenches their teeth together—most of the time, it occurs at night without even realizing it. You may be dealing with bruxism if you’ve ever experienced the following symptoms: Sore teeth Earaches but no infection Lasting facial pain Tight jaw muscles A headache upon […]
Four Secrets of a Healthy Smile

Have you ever wondered how someone with a beautiful smile keeps it gleaming? Or maybe you want a healthier smile and aren’t sure where to start? If you’ve ever found yourself a victim of smile envy, consider these four points to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. 1. A bright white smile isn’t […]
Are Dental Implants Right for You?

If you’ve experienced tooth loss, decay or disease that has left your smile less glamorous than it once was, you’re probably wondering what you can do about it. And while everyone’s smile is unique in its own right, dental implants often make incredible improvements that go beyond looks. Whether you’re missing one tooth or several, […]
Eat Plant-Based Foods for Better Oral Health

It’s easy to pick out foods and drinks that aren’t the best for our oral health—cookies, sweets and fizzy drinks are often a no-no when it comes to healthy, happy teeth. But can you name foods that are good for the body and your teeth, too? Plant-based foods are a great option when it comes […]